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Want to learn?


Archery is a very inclusive sport that can be practised by almost anyone, and Gosnells Archers is committed to being an actively accessible club; ensuring a welcoming, safe, and diverse space where all members of our local community can learn and practice their archery.


Gosnells Archers is a club for people of all ages, abilities, genders, sexual orientations, cultural, ethnic or religious backgrounds, or socio-economic status.

What's so good about archery?

You might think of archery as a stationary sport, but you do a fair amount of walking to collect your arrows and it all adds up!  As well as getting you moving, archery strengthens core muscles like your chest, arms, and large upper back muscles.  As archers gain experience their stamina and cardiovascular fitness improves - drawing the bow requires upper body strength, and maintaining correct form for the duration of a 72- or 90- arrow shoot takes a lot of physical (and mental) energy.  Archery can also improve concentration, focus. and is sometimes very meditative.  Studies have even shown that archery improves mood, eases anxiety and depression.  We think archery is fantastic and we're always keen to introduce new people to the sport.

Please click here for a powerpoint presentation prepared by our Club Secretary on a brief history of archery, the sport of archery in Australia, and an introduction to our club.


Is archery good for kids?

Archery teaches kids the importance of focus, responsibility, patience, and discipline.  It is competitive, but almost all of the time the archer is only trying to improve their own skills. 


We allow children over the age of 10 to join our beginners courses, but a parent or guardian must be present for the entire duration of each session.


Archery is one of the safest sports in Australia because clubs (like Gosnells Archers) emphasize the importance of safety when they train new learners and adhere to safety practices.  When students come to our club we teach them range and archery safety rules, and make sure they understand how important it is to maintain good safety habits.  

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If all that sounds good you can find out more about our Beginners Course here.
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